I am SO behind on my blogging! Last time I blogged, it was Thanksgiving! Anyway, this is how we spent our holidays. We went to Disneyland....A LOT! The kids had so much fun though, so it was totally worth it! Disneyland does some really cool and fun things for Christmas, so we couldn't resist! We went to see Grinchmas at Universal Studios and will probably do that every Christmas we're here. It was awesome! We did lots this Christmas season - my head was ready to spin off, but all in all, it was very productive! We made lots of cookies (and of course had to make Santa some!), made reindeer food, cooked a christmas ham with all the trimmings, got all the presents wrapped and stockings stuffed, and ran around doing all these fun things! It was truly exhausting, but all very much worth it!

At Disneyland getting ready to see
another parade.....

On the tram

One of my favorite pics of Emma - we took the train around
the park, which is something we had never done before kids!

Decorating the tree we got for only $30!!
The first year Emma has helped put the star on top!
Checking out the tree....
Ummm, can you say CUTE??!!
At Grinchmas
Our annual letter from "Santa"
Me and Gracie at the entrance of Grinchmas
Opening gifts - I think she gets it!
His big gift from Santa
Christmas at my house
She's a little rocker at heart. I'm not kidding! She loves
Pat Benatar, and just music in general and she sings WHENEVER
possible! The apple didn't fall from the tree!
Ben with Uncle Jerry and his cousin, Calyn.