Monday, December 22, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

Kristen, Lorena, Brandy, Lindsay, me, and Avery, attempting to make a gingerbread house!
The two houses - mine's missing its roof and kept falling apart!

We decided to do gingerbread houses yesterday. We had some of Ben's friend's over (and their parents too). So Avery, Jameson, and Lorena joined us in the fun. And boy, was it fun....we spent half the time trying to "glue" my house together, which had many broken pieces to begin with!! We laughed so hard - it was great fun. Brandy's and Lorena's turned out so good - if it were a competition, I'd lose for SURE! Then we sat around and ate some candy and talked for a while. At the end, Lorena taught Ben how to do a cartwheel. He followed her around like a because she had candy and two because she was so grown up and cool. We had a game of hide-n-seek at the very end that even I got in on!! When it was our turn (Lorena, Ben and me) to hide, we picked a really good spot - our upstairs shower. And when she couldn't find us, she brought Mario in to help and they found us. But it was so much fun because the three of us were just sitting in the tub waiting and laughing!!! Ben loved all the excitement.

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