Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ryan's Dam & Emma's birth

Ryan's Dam and Emma's birth was like one really long day!! I was originally supposed to be induced on Friday, June 25th. But I changed my mind and decided that we would enjoy one last weekend together and would go be induced on June 29th instead. Well, Emma had other plans I guess! But we did enjoy that last weekend.....up until the very last minute! We did our usual and went to Quizno's to pick up our sandwhiches with Mario's mom and then headed out there in the afternoon. When we realized it was already 7 p.m., we decided to head back home. We got home around 7:30 or so and got Ben into bed around 8. I thought giving myself a face mask was a great idea, so I proceeded with that. With the mask still on my face and not 15 minutes after getting Ben into bed, my water broke! So we headed off to the hospital about 9 o'clock that night and Emma Grace was born on June 28th at 3:52 a.m. weighing in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Wow! What a day! She's beautiful and we're so blessed to have her in our lives.
Playing airplane
Mama and Ben taking a little rest
Ben took this picture as I was goofing around
The three of us in this little tree nook that I love
I finally got the picture of Ben walking across the bridge
I had been trying to get this but there were always lots of people around.
A room with a view! This is Benefis' new birthing center
She's here!

First bath
Ben taking his first look at his little sister
He wanted to touch sweet
Now it's the 4 of us!
Lyla taking her security bands off before we left the hospital
Lyla and Ben - she was the labor and delivery nurse
when I had Ben! So it was nice to see her again.
She almost was there for the delivery of Emma too
and only missed it by a few hours!
Ready to leave the hospital
Ben and I flying a kite a couple days after we got home

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