Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Words and Just News

We read "Jane's Animal Expedition" all the time and while we were reading it today, Ben pointed to the map and said "map" - we have been showing him that "map" for a while, but it still surprised me when he did it on his own. He loves books more than anything and really loves learning. Other new words are: banana (nana, or banan), see, book, light, fries (he LOVES them)surprise (prise), shoe, sock, cup, eyes, bike and plane! He is aquiring so many words each day that I really can't keep up with them all!! He tries to get himself dressed now, although he's not too good at it yet. He makes animal sounds for an owl, a dog, a snake (ssss), a tiger, an elephant, and he sticks his tongue in and out of his mouth for a lizard!! He learned the baby signs for banana, help, and share - baby signs have made our life much easier! He'll also sign more, please, thank you, drink, and milk.

We are winding down our summer. The weather has cooled off quite a bit lately. We tried to get as much out of our 2-month summer as possible. We traveled a lot during the last 2 weeks. After Spokane, we went camping and boating for 2 days and 1 night and then this past weekend, we went with some friends to Fairmont Hot Springs Resort and had a BLAST! I still need to post those pictures.

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