Saturday, May 28, 2011

Last Day of Preschool

Ben's last day of preschool was Thursday, May 26th. It was such a sad day because it was a fun, productive year! He had fantastic teachers and learned so much over the school year. Mrs. Mindy, his teacher, wrote the curriculum and it was awesome! All the students had a "job" in the classroom. Ben explained that his job was to water the green bean plants that they planted. They did a Zoo Phonics lesson that included directed drawing and this is where they practiced writing their letters better. The letter of the week always went with a book they were reading and share (an item they brought from home). And they sang a song to go with the letter as well. The curriculum also incoporated math into it all -- there was a "math sentence" for whatever letter they were learning that week. So they learned both at the same time! The kids all learned days of the week, months of the year, and seasons. I remember one moment in particular and it is a true testiment of how wonderful this program is. One day Ben and I were talking and he started to list all the continents....I couldn't believe it! There were other moments like that, but I couldn't believe that, at 3, he had learned SO much! So in appreciation, I made a cake for the teachers and Ben wrote them both cards, one to Mr. Sam and one to Mrs. Mindy. The one to Mr. Sam made me laugh. We worked on the card together and Ben wrote, "thank you Mr. Sam for opening the snacks" - and "thank you for teaching me" "Love, Ben"

It turned out MUCH better than I thought it would!!


Nature Lover said...
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Nature Lover said...

What a beautiful cake!!!! How very thoughtful of you to make it for them...I am sure they really appreciated your gift...I know I do:):):)