Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ben's New Words!

Ben is becoming quite the little "parrot" these days!! He will repeat just about ANYTHING you say! Some new words are: "freckles" (the cutest of them all and right up there with "Avery", his little friend), "medicine" (although it sounds like med-sin), "I fall" (he sounds southern when he says this one!!), "box" (sounds like bot) and "back up". A couple weeks ago, he peed in the bathtub and then promptly said so seriously "back up" and started backing away from it!!!! He calls himself now and walks around the house saying "Beeennnn" - so cute. A few words have come out sounding pretty bad if you know what I mean! We try not to laugh because that will only encourage it!!! When he says "freckles" he will point to the 3 freckles he has on his legs and the one between his toes!!! I think they fascinate him or something!

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